Homeschool for the 21st Century

Unlocking Student Success at Big River Academy

student success, highschool graduation

At Big River Academy, we believe that every student has the potential to achieve great success. As an online Christian homeschool, we are dedicated to providing a nurturing and supportive environment that fosters academic excellence, spiritual growth, and personal development. Our commitment to student success is reflected in our innovative curriculum, dedicated faculty, and a community that prioritizes each student’s individual needs and aspirations.

Personalized Learning for Optimal Student Success

One of the key factors contributing to student success at Big River Academy is our personalized approach to education. We understand that every student is unique, with distinct learning styles, strengths, and challenges. This also means that we measure student success according to each student. Our online Christian homeschool offers a flexible curriculum that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each student. This personalized learning experience ensures that students can progress at their own pace, mastering concepts before moving on to more advanced material.

Student Progress

These are just a few of the learning challenges for which we make accommodations. Every student is unique, and even if a learning challenge is not diagnosed, special accommodations may need to be observed:

  • Dyslexia: Our literature classes encourage students with dyslexia to listen to free audiobooks—most of the books covered have them—along with reading to improve reading skills. Teachers provide links and sources to audiobooks for the good of our students.

  • Dysgraphia: Students do the vast majority of their communication and assignments through typing. For students with this challenge, typing tends to be a relief. For students who are intimidated by typing, it gives them ample practice, and many find they improve by leaps and bounds throughout the semesters.

  • Nonverbal Learning Disability: We provide opportunities for students to interact socially in the classroom if and when they are comfortable. Students can be as involved with others as they wish. Through the use of chat, many feel very comfortable and safe interacting. Because they can “edit” or “preview” their comments and questions, those who are typically shy in a group can feel more free to express themselves.

  • ADD or ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder): Assignments are broken up into small enough sections that students can focus in manageable amounts. Instructors give students seven days to complete assignments.

Our teachers are more than willing to work with any student who needs extra special care and compassion. Have a concern that is not listed above? Please contact us at or call 208-540-1567.

Academic Excellence Through Rigorous Curriculum

Academic excellence is a cornerstone of student success at Big River Academy. Our comprehensive curriculum is designed to challenge and inspire students, preparing them for higher education institutions, college, and beyond. We offer a wide range of courses to ensure that students are well-prepared for higher education and life after high school. Our experienced and qualified teachers are passionate about their subjects and are dedicated to helping students achieve their academic goals.

Spiritual Growth and Moral Development

At Big River Academy, student success is not limited to academic achievements. We place a strong emphasis on spiritual growth and moral development, integrating Christian values into our curriculum and daily activities. Our goal is to nurture well-rounded individuals who are not only intellectually capable but also spiritually grounded.

Ensuring Safety and Privacy

Your child’s safety and privacy are our top priority. Your child’s personal information — last name, address, phone number — will not be accessible to anyone except Big River Academy instructors and administration. Your contact and financial information are protected as well. We will not sell or share any of the information you share with us in the registration process. Active Network, our registration service, has a privacy policy which can be found by clicking here.

We do not tolerate any sort of bullying at Big River Academy. Students must be courteous and kind to others at all times. Violation of these rules will result in dismissal from live classes. We believe and teach that all people are God’s creation and should be treated with love and respect.

A Christian School Welcoming All

We are a Christian school, but we aren’t affiliated with any specific denomination. We stick to Biblical principles on topics like creation, and we teach Christian values and morals in our classes. While we do include scripture and religious principles in our lessons, the content is largely focused on the subjects themselves. We welcome those outside of the Christian faith. Students from all backgrounds thrive in our classes. We strive to create a positive student experience in our classes.

Building a Supportive Community

A supportive community is essential for student success, and at Big River Academy, we strive to create an environment where students feel connected and valued. Our online platform facilitates meaningful interactions between students, teachers, and parents, fostering a sense of belonging and collaboration. Regular virtual meetings, discussion forums, and extracurricular activities provide opportunities for student engagement in a vibrant learning community.

Preparing for Future Success

At Big River Academy, we are committed to preparing students for future success. Our college and career counseling services help students explore their interests, set goals, and develop a plan for achieving them. Whether they aspire to attend a top-tier university, pursue a specific career path, or make a positive impact in their communities, we provide the guidance and resources needed to turn their dreams into reality.

Join the Big River Academy Family

If you are looking for an online Christian homeschool that prioritizes student success, look no further than Big River Academy. Our commitment to academic excellence, spiritual growth, and personalized learning ensures that every student has the opportunity to thrive. Join our community and discover the difference that a supportive, faith-based education can make in your child’s life.

Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how we can help your child achieve their full potential.

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If your child is interested in attending Big River Academy this fall and they are willing to put in the time and effort to catch up, then late registration is still open for you.                                 APPLY TODAY.

Education is our mission and if we can help just one more student, we are happy to try.

Serving English and Language Arts from 6th-12th grade. LEARN MORE

  • Biology
  • Chemestry
  • Creation Science
  • Astrology
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish

American Government, Economics, & Exploring US History to name a few. LEARN MORE

  • Music Theory & Composition I & II
  • Personal Finance I & II
  • Public Speaking
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