Homeschool for the 21st Century

Understanding NCAA Core Course Requirements

classes for High School Athletes

As a high school athlete aspiring to compete at the collegiate level, understanding the NCAA Core Course Requirements is crucial. Big River Academy is committed to helping student-athletes meet these requirements, ensuring they are well-prepared for both academic and athletic success.

What are NCAA Core Course Requirements?

The NCAA sets forth specific academic criteria known as Core Course Requirements that you can find in the NCAA Eligibility Center. These requirements ensure that student-athletes have completed a rigorous course of study in high school, preparing them for the academic challenges they will face in college. Courses that fulfill these requirements are designed to promote a well-rounded education across various disciplines.

Core Course Requirements Breakdown

To meet the NCAA eligibility standards, high school athletes must complete a minimum number of core courses in the following areas:

  1. English: Four years of English coursework, focusing on literature, composition, and critical reading skills.

  2. Mathematics: Three years of mathematics, including Algebra I or higher.

  3. Natural or Physical Science: Two years of science coursework, including one year of lab science.

  4. Additional English, Mathematics, or Science: One additional year of coursework in any of the above areas.

  5. Social Science: Two years of social science, including history, government, and economics.

  6. Additional Courses: Four additional years of coursework from any of the above categories or foreign language, philosophy, or comparative religion.

NCAA Core Courses, High School Classes

Benefits for High School Athletes

1. College Eligibility

Meeting the Core Courses Requirements is essential for student-athletes hoping to qualify for NCAA athletic scholarships and participate in collegiate sports programs. By completing these courses at Big River Academy, students ensure they meet the academic standards necessary to pursue their athletic dreams at the collegiate level.

2. Preparation for College Academics

The rigorous nature of the NCAA Core Course Requirements prepares student-athletes not only for the demands of collegiate athletics but also for the academic rigors of college life. These courses emphasize critical thinking, problem-solving, and time management skills—skills that are invaluable for success both on and off the field.

Additionally, the academic foundation provided by these courses ensures that student-athletes are ready to tackle the challenges of higher education, making a smooth transition from high school to college.

3. Structured Academic Pathway

Big River Academy provides a structured academic pathway that aligns with NCAA guidelines. This ensures that student-athletes stay on track with their academic goals while pursuing their athletic passions. The program offers a diverse range of courses that fulfill NCAA requirements, allowing flexibility without compromising educational standards.

Our structured academic pathway means students can customize their learning experience to fit their unique needs and schedules. Whether it’s fitting in extra training sessions, traveling for competitions, or managing recovery times, our flexible online learning platform supports student-athletes in balancing their commitments effectively.

core course gpa, high school courses

How Big River Academy Supports NCAA Core Course Requirements

At Big River Academy, we are committed to guiding student-athletes through their academic journey while meeting NCAA Core Course Requirements. Our online homeschool program offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes approved core courses in English, mathematics, science, social science, and other disciplines recognized by the NCAA.

Expert Guidance and Personalized Support

Our experienced faculty and academic advisors provide personalized support to ensure students meet NCAA eligibility requirements. We offer individualized academic planning, regular progress monitoring, and one-on-one support to help student-athletes stay on track.

Our advisors are knowledgeable about NCAA regulations and can provide guidance on course selection, ensuring that each student’s academic plan aligns with their athletic goals. This personalized approach helps student-athletes navigate the complexities of NCAA eligibility with confidence.

Flexible Learning Environment

Online learning allows student-athletes to balance their rigorous training schedules with academic coursework, empowering them to excel both athletically and academically. Our platform is designed to accommodate the unique needs of student-athletes, offering flexibility in scheduling and pacing.

This flexibility ensures that students can maintain their training and competition commitments without compromising their education. With Big River Academy, student-athletes have the freedom to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule, making it easier to manage the demands of both school and sports.

NCAA Compliance and Accreditation

Our curriculum is designed to align seamlessly with NCAA standards, ensuring that every course completed at Big River Academy contributes to fulfilling Core Course Requirements. Our program is fully accredited, providing assurance that the education received meets high standards of quality and rigor.

We regularly review and update our curriculum to stay current with NCAA regulations and academic best practices. This commitment to excellence ensures that student-athletes receive an education that is both relevant and rigorous, preparing them for success in college and beyond.


Navigating the NCAA Core Course Requirements is a crucial step for high school athletes with collegiate aspirations. Big River Academy stands ready to support student-athletes on this journey, providing a rigorous academic foundation that prepares them for success in college and beyond. With our commitment to excellence in education and athletics, we empower student-athletes to achieve their goals and pursue their dreams.

By choosing Big River Academy, student-athletes gain the advantage of a flexible, supportive, and academically rigorous environment that aligns with their athletic ambitions. We invite you to explore our program and discover how we can help you reach your full potential.

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