Homeschool for the 21st Century

National Online Learning Day!

Hand With Diploma Extending Through Computer Screen

If there has ever been a year to celebrate National Online Learning Day, 2020 is it! National Online Learning Day showcases how students of all ages are thriving with the ability to learn online — anywhere, anytime. It seeks to cultivate awareness of, and support for, this ever-growing community of learners and to celebrate the future of online education — wherever technology and our imaginations take us!

A few months ago, none of us envisioned how this year would play out and the need for so many students and people all over the world to transition to online learning. This online learning has been taking place at Big River Academy for years and we think we do a pretty good job helping students all over the world.

We have quality live classes for both middle and high school children. Your child will hear our voices, see our faces, and we will know them. Our students are a part of a learning community that meets in a live classroom weekly with separate office hours. We offer exhaustive courses taught by a knowledgeable and professional staff and a Christian curriculum.

Online Learning Tips

We know that the switch to online learning is a big change for a lot of people out there. The coronavirus pandemic has caused us all to adjust the way we do things and virtual learning just might be at the top of that list. So we’ve put together a few tips to help you make the transition to online learning a bit easier.

School Schedule TemplateHave A Schedule

It will make a big difference in your day of online learning to have a follow a schedule. Make sure you put it in a place that the kids will see it and know what lies ahead. An effective way to do this is with a dry erase board. Go over the schedule with the kids at the beginning of each day. A daily routine will go a long way!

Additional Curriculum

Remember that you do not have to limit what you teach your kids to the online learning curriculum from whatever school they are enrolled in. There are countless programs and other ways that kids can add to their online learning. A quick online search will allow you to find all sorts of options specific courses, games, or libraries that may be a perfect fit for your child’s needs.

Stay Out Of Class

For a parent, it can be tempting to listen in on an online learning class. However, this may not be the best idea. Some kids need some space from their parents in order to learn and grow. Don’t let them use you as a crutch. It is also important to allow the other children in the class to have privacy.

Mother Helping Daughter With Homework

Where They Learn

Although this may be difficult for some, creating an area that is specific for the purpose of their online learning can help. If your space allows, designate a certain room or area of the home to be where the kids do their learning. Get creative if you have to — use the garage, treehouse, or some other part of your property that they can identify with study time. This will make it easier for them to separate when it is time to learn and the rest of their day.

Communication Is Key

For any parent that is helping their kids with online learning, communication with the teacher is vital. This is how you will have clear expectations of what needs to be done. It will also prevent your kids from falling behind. Figure out the best way to stay on top of what needs to happen for a successful online learning experience (calls, texts, emails, etc) and stick with it.

Organization Is Too

There can be a lot to keep track of when it comes to online learning. Especially if you are working with more than one child! If you don’t stay organized, it is not going to go smoothly. Eliminate clutter and distractions as much as possible for more efficient learning time.

Woman And Daughter Painting In Park

Field Trips

There are a lot of great places for learning that you can take your kids to visit. It also helps just to get outside and take a break once in a while. There’s a reason schools have multiple times for recess in a day! So give yourself — and them — a break and make it fun.

Set Goals

When it comes to online learning in 2020, it is probably going to be a whole team effort for your family. Get everyone involved, make some goals together, and stick to the plan. Doing this will make your life much easier when trying to decide what should be at the top of the priority list and what is not essential for the day.

Online Learning Isn’t Just For Kids

Learning online can offer a level of convenience and personalization for every individual. This can start as early as the preschool years and continue on through college and even beyond that. You can study virtually any subject and do it at almost any time. And the good news is that it doesn’t have to just be for schoolwork. Why not celebrate National Online Learning Day, buy leaning something new yourself? Learn a language online, work towards a new skill or certification, or even pull up YouTube and find a video that will teach you how to install a new faucet in your sink, hit a great golf shot, or anything else you need or want to do.

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If your child is interested in attending Big River Academy this fall and they are willing to put in the time and effort to catch up, then late registration is still open for you.                                 APPLY TODAY.

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