Homeschool for the 21st Century

Foreign Language

French I

French I is an introduction to the French language and francophone culture. All four of the language skills, listening, reading, writing, and speaking will be incorporated as students learn pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar to achieve a communicative purpose in a real-life context.

The text will serve as the spine for the course. Additional authentic materials such as videos, audio recordings, infographics, and readings will be added to enhance the material. Scripture memory and matters related to the francophone world will also be included. Cultural topics and themes will be added to round out the course.

Time Tuesdays at 10am EST
Class Duration 90 Minutes
Live Meetings
Homework Load Approximately one hour per day
Credits 1 Foreign Language
Grade Range Middle School OR Early High School
Tuition $560.00

French II

On continue! French II will continue building on the skills in French I.  Students will use all four language skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) to gain confidence and proficiency in French. Our class time will be interactive as we use French for a communicative purpose. A variety of materials and activities (games, websites, music, articles, videos, etc) will be incorporated to provide a language-rich environment that is interesting and challenging. No language course would be complete without addressing culture.

Time Tuesdays at 12:30pm EST
Class Duration 90 Minutes
Live Meetings
Homework Load Approximately one hour per day
Credits 1 Foreign Language
Grade Range High School
Tuition $560.00

French III

French III builds on the foundation established over the previous years of study.  Students will continue to build communicative competence by reviewing, strengthening, and adding grammatical concepts as well as vocabulary to perform a real-life function.  The course will incorporate in a variety of ways all four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.  At this level, there will be an increased emphasis on using French both spontaneously and in guided class activities.  Additionally, students will be asked to read longer pieces and discuss in French.  French history and francophone culture will be included.

Time Tuesdays at 3pm EST
Class Duration 90 Minutes
Live Meetings
Homework Load Approximately one hour per day
Credits 1 Foreign Language
Grade Range High School
Tuition $560.00

German I

The weekly live class sessions focus on introducing new grammar and practicing conversational skills. Homework will reinforce the grammar introduced each week. This course begins with basic German and extends to intermediate German proficiency through rigorous but enjoyable instruction. Students will enjoy practicing their German skills using periodic games. Classes will feature famous German-speaking composers and their works.

Each week, students will be asked to listen to or watch ERF Christian German TV/Radio which stream live. Throughout the year, we will also look at German traditions and history. The class includes written and oral testing. Students should be prepared to speak on mic in class every week.

Time Wednesdays at 1pm EST
Class Duration 90 Minutes
Live Meetings
Homework Load Approximately one hour per day
Credits 1 Foreign Language
Grade Range High School
Tuition $560.00

German II

This German II class begins with a short review of the grammar learned in German I then quickly moves on to more advanced grammar. This class will enrich your vocabulary and teach complex sentence formulation, simple past tense, past perfect tense, adverbs, accusative, dative and genitive cases, coordinating conjunctions, prepositions, and imperative. The weekly live class sessions focus on introducing new grammar and practicing conversational skills. Homework will reinforce the grammar introduced each week. Students will enjoy practicing their German skills using periodic games. Classes will feature famous German-speaking composers and their works. Each week, students will be asked to listen to or watch ERF Christian German TV/Radio which stream live.

Time Thursdays at 1pm EST
Class Duration 90 Minutes
Live Meetings
Homework Load Approximately one hour per day
Credits 1 Foreign Language
Grade Range High School
Tuition $560.00

German III

The German III course is designed to reinforce the fundamentals of the German language in more complex ways and to continue the systematic and sequential acquisition of more complex grammatical structures, vocabulary and syntax. The course provides practice in listening comprehension, dictation, and writing exercises as well as oral assessments and practice. At this level, more emphasis is given to increased ability and effort to use the target language both spontaneously and in guided class activities. The professional teachers will train you read, write and speak fluent German. Our Online German Classes For High School will help you learn all the right composition skills. This class will be similar in structure and pace to German I and German II and will continue to include a weekly composer.

Time Fridays at 1pm EST
Class Duration 90 Minutes
Live Meetings
Homework Load College Prep
Credits 1 Foreign Language
Grade Range High School
Tuition $560.00

Italian I

Designed for students with little or no knowledge of Italian. Its goal is the development of five skills— listening, speaking, reading, writing, and cultural sensitivity—which will enable students to communicate effectively in the new language. A variety of aspects of Italian culture will be introduced through short texts as well as audio and visual materials. Each meeting will include a series of activities, which will enliven the class, and ensure focused attention on the part of the learner. Upon completion of Italian I, students will be able to understand the language used in simple, daily situations. Together with linguistic proficiency at an elementary level, students will acquire some familiarity with Italian culture.

Time Wednesdays at 1pm EST
Class Duration 90 Minutes
Live Meetings
Homework Load Approximately one hour per day
Credits 1 Foreign Language
Grade Range High School
Tuition $560.00

Italian II

Students in this class should already have an elementary knowledge of Italian. The goal is to become more proficient in — listening, speaking, reading, writing, and cultural sensitivity. This will enable students to communicate effectively in the new language. Many aspects of Italian culture will be introduced and discussed. For variety, the material will be presented through short texts, audio, and visual materials.

Each meeting will include a series of activities, in hopes of enlivening the class. There is an expectation of focused attention on the part of the learner. There is no room for distractions and cellular devices should not be in use unless instructed to do so by the professor. Every teacher puts detailed preparation into their courses and the students will find themselves emersed and able to learn if they focus.

Upon completion of Italian II, students will be able to speak and understand the language used in simple, daily situations. Together with linguistic proficiency at an elementary level, students will acquire some familiarity with Italian culture. The course will require more diligent study on behalf of the student as learning more concepts of a new language is challenging.

Notably, the growing interest of employers in those who are bilingual is exponential. Therefore, making this a wonderful course that will bless the student for years to come!

Time Wednesdays at 11am EST
Class Duration 90 Minutes
Live Meetings
Homework Load Approximately one hour per day
Credits 1 Foreign Language
Grade Range High School
Tuition $560.00

Italian III

Its goal is the development of five skills—listening, speaking, reading, writing, and cultural sensitivity—which will enable students to communicate effectively in the new language. A variety of aspects of Italian culture will be introduced through short texts as well as audio and visual materials. Each meeting will include a series of activities, which will enliven the class, and ensure focused attention on the part of the learner. Upon completion of Italian III, students will be able to understand complex sentences and to speak the language used in daily situations. Together with linguistic proficiency at an elementary level, students will acquire some familiarity with Italian culture.

Time Wednesdays at 3pm EST
Class Duration 90 Minutes
Live Meetings
Homework Load College Prep
Credits 1 Foreign Language
Grade Range High School
Tuition $560.00

Spanish I

This is a class that students usually enjoy while learning a lot.

The first semester of Spanish covers the 1st part of the Basic Spanish book. It introduces the students to basic greetings, vocabulary, personal pronouns, descriptive adjectives, feelings, foods, and professions among other concepts.

Students will be introduced to the Present tense of some regular and irregular verbs. In Spanish, understanding the verbs “ser” & “estar” (meaning “to be”) is very important and can be a little bit confusing. This semester will be important for understanding when and how to use it.

By using the What? Where? How? How many? etc. questions, the students will be able to start and carry on short conversations.

Students will be memorizing at least 15 words a week but more than gathering vocabulary, Spanish I is designed to equip students to understand the basics of Spanish grammar.  Previous experience with Spanish may be helpful but it is not necessary or required. We will be starting from scratch and moving up.

The second semester covers the 2nd part of the Basic Spanish I book which includes: conjugating more verbs in the present tense, present progressive, special irregular verbs, useful phrases, and special projects. By the end of the year, students will be able to combine vocabulary and grammar and write a couple of personal profiles in the present tense. The material was specially designed to provide a good foundation for Spanish II.

A more specific syllabus will be provided at the beginning of the semester but for questions, concerns, or to place your workbook order you may contact the teacher: Silvia Petit at:

Time Fridays at 12:30pm EST
Class Duration 90 Minutes
Live Meetings
Homework Load Approximately one hour per day
Credits 1 Foreign Language
Grade Range High School
Tuition $560.00

Spanish II

The first few weeks of the course will briefly review and reinforce concepts that students learned in Spanish I.

The emphasis of this class will be to provide students with a good understanding of the Indicative Simple Tenses, Imperative Simple Tenses, and Present and Past Perfect Tenses.  This class however, will provide the “Spanish Grammar Map” with ALL the Simple and Perfect Tenses.   Students will have the tools they need to continue growing and expanding their knowledge and use of Spanish.

Students will be reading books, writing profiles, memorizing Scripture, Listening to audiobooks and songs, working on translations, playing many quizizz games, doing lots of practice exercises and homework. There is no doubt that practice is key when it comes to gaining confidence.

This is a year where students grow considerably to the point of feeling much more confident understanding and using the language.

A more specific syllabus will be provided at the beginning of the semester but for questions, concerns, or to place your workbook order you may contact the teacher: Silvia Petit at:

Note: Students who haven’t taken Spanish I at Big River need to take a placement test to be sure they are ready for Spanish II.  Since Spanish curricula varies so widely across separate instructors, Mrs. Petit wants to be sure a student who is new to her in Spanish II will find success. Please email Mrs. Petit at to receive the Spanish II placement test.

Time Fridays at 2:30pm EST
Class Duration 90 Minutes
Live Meetings
Homework Load Approximately one hour per day
Credits 1 Foreign Language
Grade Range High School
Tuition $560.00
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